Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mill Brook Preserve... again...

Activity: Hiking (This time I wore  my microspikes! It was much better!  the trail was icy.... In icy conditions I wouldn't recommend this hike unless you have microspikes!)  
Address/Location: Mills Brook Preserve.  The parking area/trailhead I used (there are 3 to access this land) is technically on Methodist Road in Westbrook,  just before Rt. 302. 
Cost:  Free!  But you can always donate to the Presumpscot Regional Land Trust, become a member, or volunteer with them to say thanks! 
Parking: There is a parking area for maybe 8 to 10 vehicles when there is no snow... and if some cars park in front of each other... sorry I forgot to take a pic!
FMI: To learn more about the amazing work of the Presumpscot Regional Land Trust, visit their website!  And more specific info about Mill Brook Preserve here.  
Notes: I was here recently and decided to return today.  I had a really hard week.. and if I am being honest I was in a mindset where I could have stayed home today... curled up in bed or on the couch..eating junkfood... 

This week one of my former students died. 

When I learned of his death I was at the dentist (I HATE the dentist... so much anxiety about it... and often cry...) ... I received a text from a colleague notifying me of the death and the circumstances.  Since it was published in his obituary I can share that he died of an overdose...  I was able to get to see his mom for a while, to sit with her and talk... listen... and am glad I was able to do that.  She introduced me to other people at her home as her son's other someone who spent as much time with her son in high school as she did... I appreciate that she appreciated it... He was a person with a big heart...

Because I am who I am... I get in my head about it... and think about kids I see now who have substance issues... what more can I do? what am I not doing? So many thoughts..

In addition ... some stressful things from my past were brought up this week... the kind of stuff that triggers anxiety... visceral reactions.... things I thought I was past, but apparently not quite...

It would have been very easy to come home yesterday after this week... and stay inside... feeling down... but... I got home yesterday and took Gladys for a walk and met a friend for dinner... I came home and struggled to get to sleep...but once I was asleep I slept hard... and didn't wake up until 9:00 this morning... which is rare for me!!  (I can't believe Gladys let me sleep that long!) 

I had a lazy morning, made a great breakfast... and then decided I needed to get out and find some beauty.  So... I headed to Mill Brook Preserve... It was beautiful...  I even saw some ducks and lots of robins. 

There were many places where ice had formed on branches or rocks that were so pretty... 

This trio of ducks were playing in the brook... 

I loved seeing the ice formations... it was really pretty...

There were A LOT of robins flitting about... it was fun to see them.. 

There were icicles underneath some of the root systems... 

This swing is not part of the PRLT trail... it is on the opposite side of the brook... whoever owns it is very lucky and has the right idea for a great place to sit and swing... 

 The wind that we had earlier in the week blew down a lot of pine spills and small branches... and there was a tree that had fallen over the trail in one spot... (easy to climb over!)

I love the benches along the brook... 

The trails were still narrow and packed down... icy in spots, especially on the hills.   This is a shot of Gladys looking down at where we were heading...

We stopped on the way back, at one of the benches to have a snack and to listen to the water... it was very nice!  Gladys even rolled in the snow for a bit! 

This is a view while I was sitting on the bench... 

This is Gladys chomping on a treat! 

And asking for more! 

She relaxed on the bench next to me for a few seconds... 

I am so grateful that I live in a place where I can access such beautiful places... and that through the last fifteen months as I have worked to get healthier I have been able to recognize that I NEED to be outside... for my mental health... the fresh air... the sounds of water... watching birds... moving my body... is helpful for me.  

It doesn't take away the sadness or grief... but... it helps me refocus... helps me remember that the things that happen that are outside of my control are only part of my life... and that the parts I can control... need to help me create balance... 

So... in addition to being a great place to get some exercise... this is also a great place to let go of some things ... and a place that helps get you out of your head.  

Take time to let people in your life know that you love them.  
Life is short... 
And... there is so much beauty to find along the way...

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