Activity: Adult Swim Lessons
Location/Address: YMCA 14 Old South Freeport Rd. Freeport, ME
Cost: FREE
Parking: Plenty! (follow the one way signs!)
FMI: The class is called Swimming Saves Lives. It is made possible by a $3,000
grant from the Swimming Saves Lives Foundation, part of the US
Masters Swimming. I am not sure how many years this has been offered, but it is INCREDIBLE!
See my original Blog Post Here.
Notes: I am sooooooo incredibly grateful for this opportunity! Shannon Bryan had posted it on her social media...and I said YES! I am so glad I did!
I was not sure what to expect... I signed up for a six week course... and not only do I get to have swimming instruction, I get access to all southern Maine Y's for the six weeks of the class! How cool is that?!
Ok... so here is some background/logistical info...
-Six weeks of swim lessons. (You have to choose the same day each week!)
- ALL lessons are at the Y in Freeport.
- Age requirement: Must be over 18
- ALL levels of abilities unless you are an Olympian. (And I mean ALL levels, they do a great job of meeting you where you are at! Olympians... you can participate too, but as a volunteer instructor!)
- Before the first class the organizer calls you and asks you questions about your experience swimming or perhaps your experience not swimming. Questions range from 'are you afraid of the water' to 'can you float?' and everything in between. The information you provide allows them to figure out who to pair you up with as your swim partner. They put you with someone with similar abilities.
- Class 1 - show up early to fill out paperwork and meet your instructor and get your 6 week membership pass! (which you show at the welcome desks each time you enter the Y.)
- There is ONE instructor for every TWO students!! (HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!)
- You start with getting a swim cap and goggles! (both are provided, but I had bought my own ahead of time... because I was nervous about the goggles not working. Thanks to Peggy for helping me pick out the perfect pair!)
- You get into the pool (you can use the stairs, or the ladder, or plop in from sitting on the side!)
- Your instructor will continually ask about your comfort level as they teach you skills... while I haven't looked around much at other trios during class, I think everyone in our class is now going under water!
- You progress every week! (The experience will be different for everyone, depending on where you start!)
Locker Room Logistics:
- large locker room
- 2 bathroom stalls
- 2 changing stalls
- 8 showers, each has the showering area and a changing area with curtains
- there is a GREAT machine that spins your swimsuit that removes MOST of the water, so cool!
- Locks are available at the welcome desk if you give them your car keys.
Some background for you about me and my swimming.... I grew up playing in the water... we even had an above ground pool at one point.... we canoed and I went with my dad in his fishing boat quite a bit... and spent time with friends at their camps... and as an adult I have become an avid kayaker. I am not afraid of the water. Before this class I could 'swim'... which really meant dog paddle or a bad version of a breast stroke... or floating while kicking... and I could tread water 'til the cows come home!
I could go under water without plugging my nose, but preferred to plug it if I was jumping into the water... unless I was diving... (my version of a dive simply means jumping in head first... while hoping to avoid a belly flop!) I was confident that if I ever tipped in my kayak I could get myself and my kayak to shore... but I never learned to swim properly... never took swim lessons... and have wanted to... so when opportunity knocked... I answered the door!
Our trio started with getting in the pool...going under water, floating, learning to kick (kicking is more about your hips than your knees and feet!) and trying to work on breathing while standing up, putting our faces in the water and blowing out hard then turning our head sideways and breathing in... we then moved on to holding on to the edge of the pool to practice our breathing... gently kicking (enough to keep our hindquarters afloat!) and putting our faces in the water, breathing out through our noses and turning our heads to breathe and repeat... we added some arm movements... and have been able to already move on to actually swimming a length of the pool!
Now... that sounds pretty smooth... and while I do think we have progressed quickly... I know I have a lot of work to still do... Swimming looks easy... but there are a lot of pieces to put together, and until all of those pieces, or at least some of them become automatic, it is hard to get it all right... figuring out which side is easier to breath on... how to keep your head down and rotate your shoulders to breathe, turning your head to the side vs picking your head up, while kicking and moving your arms... it's A LOT... but so worth it!
At one of my solo practice sessions I was struggling... My competitive nature, in this sport, has not been helpful. I felt like I needed to be swimming fast... keeping up with people in the lanes next to me... or going faster... that is a mistake! Each time I practiced I was able to swim... One day I even did 2 laps (not back to back) but two lengths of the pool without needing to stop and reset or stop because I swallowed water... and I was so excited about that!
At my next practice session I was certain I would do more than that! But... I couldn't!
I kept sucking in water, and coughing so had to stop... or felt too out of breath... just could NOT get it together... This is a photo of me after that practice session where I could NOT get it to come together... I was frustrated!
After thinking about it... I realized that I had stopped to swim on my way to go visit my dad... and whenever I am trying to get on the road to get somewhere I struggle to settle down... that was probably part of it... but the other part is that I have since learned... at the most recent lesson... is I do my best when I am consciously slowing down... RELAXING! ( I had also re-learned with the toboggan championship...and xc skiing....) ... I needed to let my body relax to enjoy it ! And... I have to trust my body... trust that it will be able to get this... muscle memory is being developed and I am improving!
After last week's lesson I once again took to the pool for a practice session. I went solo... I admit it... I am intimidated by other people doing laps. I assume (perhaps wrongly) that every other person there is a great swimmer, that they know what they are doing, and they are probably judging me on my lack of skills!
This time there were two teenagers in training, complete with crazy training gear including these underwater parachute things to give them more resistance...and their swim coaches and parents! Seriously? Yes!
So I had to get out of my head and say... 'Hey ego-maniac...not everyone cares about you and your swimming skills... well except maybe the lifeguards who should pay attention to people's skills! This is NOT about what other people think...this is NOT about how your skills compare to others... this is about YOU...about you LEARNING...and IMPROVING... and gaining another activity that you can do, hopefully for the rest of your life... so suck it up cupcake and swim!
So... I did!
I made a lot of errors... I often had to stop midway through a length of the pool because my timing was off and I didn't get a full enough breath or I choked on some water... or couldn't get into a rhythm ... BUT... I set a goal for myself... I wanted to do 5 lengths without stopping during the length. (I have to stop between each length and breathe, I have yet to do 2 back to back lengths!)
It took me a bit, but I got to 5... I was SOOO happy!!!
I gave myself permission to stop at any point after that... but then I did another...and another... and another.... and when I got to 8... I was determined to get to 10... (that competitive side of me! Which in this case was helpful!) Well... I got to ten!!! OMG!!! TEN!!!
After 10 I was at the far end of the pool... So.... I challenged myself to do one more, to get back to the starting end of the pool.... and I did it!!! So... I did ELEVEN laps without stopping during the lap! I was ecstatic! What a difference since the last practice session! Here I am... Happy and Proud!
I wish that I had some photos of me swimming... maybe I will see if we can try to get some pics soon during class! I am sure they would like to have some pics to promote this amazing opportunity!
I really like the way I feel after swimming. And while I do not yet have Michelle Obama arms... I FEEL more toned... and I plan to keep up with this somehow... and know that eventually there will be some definition!
I also think this is helping my asthma... and my cardio endurance... truth is... I haven't done much cardio stuff... I do a lot of walking... but do not do cardio equipment...So.. I think that I need to build that up too so as I swim more I will continue to improve.
I hope we learn how to do the turn as we swim so maybe, MAYBE I could to 2 laps down and back (maybe that is just one lap?? not sure! but two lengths, without stopping in between!) That would be cool! I also hope to learn a few more strokes... or at least some ways to swim that will be a good workout! (And perhaps channel my inner mermaid!)
I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity! I am having fun AND I am improving and getting more confident! I HIGHLY recommend this to people! Mark your calendars for next February to start looking for this opportunity!!! I will probably do another update on this once the six weeks are over, but wanted to share this now!
AND... a special shout out to my friend Peggy! She has been VERY supportive of this adventure.. read a bit more about Peggy HERE! She is awesome!